Lindsey & Kevin

July 3, 2021
Strathallen hotel
Rochester, New York


“today marks the start to something new and marvelous. Remember your promises to each other, keep them with all your heart, and most importantly, love much and laugh often” - dad


The Wedding Film


The Bonus Features

The Wedding Ceremony

The Wedding Speeches

Flat Lay Invitation Suite-20.jpg
Groom Reading Letter-18.jpg
Bride getting dressed with mom-19.jpg
Bride and Groom Walking in Garden-24.jpg
Friend Group-4.jpg
Room Detail-3.jpg
1st Dance-2.jpg
  1. You can download a copy of your film by clicking the download buttons (to the left). Select the 4k UHD version for highest quality. We suggest saving it on two different hard-drives.

  2. To share on social media, we recommend downloading your file and then doing a direct upload to your page. Social media algorithms favor direct uploads so more of your friends will see it that way. If you need any help, let us know and we’ll be happy to assist!

  3. Tag @GabrielleFordhamFilms and share the love!