Anne & Stuart’s Wedding


October 16, 2021
Windridge Estate
Cazenovia, New York


“My darling Anne, you are making me the happiest man in the world and my heart fills to be here today by your side. You are truly a beautiful, exceptional joy in my life.” - Stuart


The Wedding Film


Bonus Features

The Wedding Ceremony

The Wedding Toasts


The First Dance



  1. You can download a copy of your film by clicking the download buttons (to the left). Select the 4k UHD version for highest quality. We suggest saving it on two different hard-drives.

  2. To share on social media, we recommend downloading your file and then doing a direct upload to your page. Social media algorithms favor direct uploads so more of your friends will see it that way. If you need any help, let us know and we’ll be happy to assist!

  3. Tag @GabrielleFordhamFilms and share the love!